Friday, February 27, 2009

7 Signs He's not Interested

I think there are some sure signs that a guy is not “the one.” Now one or two of these things happening once or twice…don’t panic. However, if you see a consistent, frequent pattern of behavior, it’s time to let go.
  • He doesn’t call, or calls infrequently. If he’s only calling you at the last minute, he’s telling you nothing better turned up, you were the last resort to avoid staying home alone.
  • He doesn’t make plans. A guy who’s falling in love will think of you as a precious commodity. A guy who’s tolerating you won’t think you are special, and therefore won’t see you as an in demand and happening gal. When he calls at the last minute, he’s really saying “I didn’t think anyone else would have called you, you aren’t that special.”
  • He doesn’t pay attention. Guys that like you will want to make sure you know that they are different from the crowd. They will pay attention to things you like, what you say and what’s important to you. They may not get every detail down, but they should at least remember to ask how your big presentation went, or if you are getting over that cold.
  • He ignores your interests. First, with out common interests, a relationship is doomed. However, it should be a give and take. Are you only doing things he likes to do? Has he made any effort to do anything that would be more of your interest than his or a shared interest? If not, he’s really not trying to keep you around.
  • Everything is on his schedule. What happened to the idea of give-and-take in a relationship? Are you changing your schedule to fit to his? If he’s making no effort, well, he’s not going to start suddenly.
  • You haven’t met his friends. After a while, it makes sense that you start treading into each others social circles. In less you already hung out with the same crowd, you should meet some of his friends.
  • He doesn’t respect you. Think of how you act around someone you respect. You value their opinion; tell them things that are important to you, look forward to their feedback. If he doesn’t treat you in a way that clearly shows he respects you, he probably doesn’t.

Don’t waste your time waiting for a man who’s not interested in you to come around or fall for you. Why do a hard sell just to wind up wasting time and resentful down the road. Ditch the guy who doesn’t like you, and find the one who does.

You won’t find Mr. Right while you are busy chasing down Mr. Wrong.

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